This is the headquarter (Hombu) dojo for Japan Karate-Do Organization (JKO), which teaches a traditional style of karate known as Shito-Ryu. It is one of only four major styles recognized world wide. Hanshi Minobu Miki is the first 8th degree black belt outside of Japan. He learned karate directly from Kenzo Mabuni, who was the son of the founder of Shito-Ryu, Kenwa Mabuni.
Our students are encouraged to attend tournaments and be a part of our elite competition team. The organization in which we compete in is the United States of America National Karate Federation (USANKF). It is the sole organization which is recognized by the US Olympic Committee.

The Japan Karate-Do Organization is a network of dojos and instructors from all over the world.
Your home dojo could be at any one of our excellent locations but if you are visiting or vacationing in another area, you are welcome to attend a class at any one of the dojos in the JKO.
Safe and clean facility
Course options
Locker rooms
Knowledgable staff
Family atmosphere