March Bulletin Board
Congratulations to ALL. The Kyu Rank Test was held on Wednesday, March 4. There were over 30 students promoted to a new rank and received a new belt.
There will be a Celebration Pot Luck Party that will be held on Friday, March 6, from 6 PM. Please bring your favorite dishes and share them with JKO families.
Hanshi's Seminar will be held from 10 AM on Sunday, March 8. The Black and Brown belt class will cover the Bunkai and Ohyo of all of the Shito Ryu Karate-Do Katas, plus the Katas for required Nidan Degrees.
The National Championships Qualifiers tournament was scheduled on Sunday, May 15. It was rescheduled in May, DBA.
USA Wado Ryu Karate-Do Championships will be held on Sunday, March 29. Tesoro High School: 1 Tesoro Creek Road, Rancho San Margarita, CA 92688.
Don't forget!
There will be big tournaments on April 9th through 12th.
Jr. Internationals,
USA Open,
Ozawa Cups, All in the same weekend in Las Vegas, NV.
Good Luck,