February 2025
Good morning All JKO members and families:
The month of February has many events till Kyu Test on Wednesday, March 5.
Saturday, February 15 Kumite Seminar by 5 times National Kumite Champion Sensei Brian Hillard, from 12 -2 pm. The fee will be $30.00/participant.
Monday, February 17 JKO observes President's Day, a National Holiday, the Dojo will be closed.
Thursday, February 20 Mike Yamasaki will teach a Battoh seminar in the Demura Cup from 4 pm in Orange County.
Saturday, February 22 from 12 -2 pm. Kata Seminar only Brown and Black belts, this seminar is for students seeking to prepare to be a black belt soon and higher ranks.
Sunday, February, 23 Demura Cup: Segerstrom High School 2301 W. MacArthur Blvd. Santa Ana 92704 start on 9 am.
Wednesday, March 5 Kyu Test will be held from 4 pm - 6 pm and 6 pm -7 pm. All of the application forms and fees must be submitted by Wednesday, February 26. The late applicant will apply by the late fee of $15.00.
Good luck, a serious Fun!