Adults make great karate practitioners that can truly appreciate the art. Your training here can relieve stress through mediation, exercise and concentration. Karate training encourages a healthy lifestyle that will keep your body toned, in shape, and agile as you progress through life. Training will increase your alertness and awareness of your surroundings. The self-defense aspects are essential to ensure your safety and the safety of others in today’s world.
Ages 3-6 class
This is a great introductory class for your little one to experience an academic setting that will set them up to excel in a school environment. Here, they will establish a positive learning attitude and tenacious concentration. Physically, your child will develop their coordination and proprioception. This is not a free-for-all playroom.
Ages 7-12 class
Discipline, perseverance, and goal setting. Your children can learn all this as they advance through the ranks. Molding their bodies to be strong, fast, and flexible. The goal is to imbue your child with a sense of integrity with which they will strive to excel in all areas of life, whether it be academia, sports, or any other endeavor. Our curriculum also immerses your child into Japanese culture, with regimented manners and terminology. It is our hope that your child will aspire to be a well-rounded individual, both mentally and physically.
Kobudo weapon
Weapon training is a great way to even the playing field and ensure your self-defense. Our curriculum is rich in heritage from Okinawa, where originally some of these weapons were designed to be agricultural tools and became tools for self-defense due to their availability. Weapons taught include: staff/bo, sickle/kama, tonfa/billystick. and sai. They are great for improving dexterity and used in some competition settings. All weapon training is supervised to maintain safety at all times.
iaido & batto
Iaidō is a form of Japanese swordsmanship that is based on responding to a threat when the sword is in the sheathed position. It differs from kendō and kenjutsu forms in several ways – it uses a real sword (or metal replica) and all action starts with the sword in its scabbard. Iaidō is the practice of drawing the sword and striking an opponent or opponents from the draw, rather than facing them with a ready sword. Advanced practice includes partnered waza using wooden swords (bokutō) to demonstrate correct distance, timing, and power.
Full Membership Tuition $185 per month
12 month course of Full Time Membership $175 per month with contract.
Last month free if total paid in advance.
Private Lesson with Hanshi Minobu Miki $65 for 30 min
A 10 week course of 10 consecutive private 30 minute lessons for $550 paid in advance.
One hour private lesson $120 per hour. 10 one hour lessons for $1100 paid in advance.
Zoom Class by request $25 per session. $85 per month for once a week. $120 per month for twice a week.
Iaido tuition is $145 per month
Tuition is non-refundable
Monthly dues are paid on the first of the month.
Price for Drop-In Class is $45.
Drop in on any scheduled class with no monthly fee or contract for $45